Thursday, September 21, 2017

How 'Game of Thrones' should end and How Fall Begins?

Arya Stark needs many faces to revenge. You need many skins to rejuvenate.

Bet you are overheated in summer. The Typany Keyboard just provides you with so many skins to cool you down. As Fall is coming, wanna feel the confrontation between the ice and fire with your fingertips and hold the power in your hand?

The keyboard is the battlefield, and you are the host. You can choose whatever themes you like.

Just imagine. At a flick of finger, you are in the Games of Thrones. You can crush the icewall of the night’s watch, burn an army of the dead, and thrust the throat of an enemy.

Too cool to resist! Dance on your skin. This is your game!

A New Day of Peace?

An earthquake affected our  beautiful Mexico City again a few hours ago.

Hurricane Maria Aims for Puerto Rico After Slamming Dominica

And what will you tell your grandchildren #London?

Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples.

What is the theme for 2017?



Wednesday, September 6, 2017

What are the secrets behind this new version?

Follow me and let’s hear it from our chief designer!

On August 30th, Typany Keyboard released a whole new version of user interfaces. The first impression might be: wow, it looks so cool. But it is more than just cool...

Long Journey
It takes 10 designers (32 employees from Typany Keyboard team) ,6 months(1080 hours) to come up with this Perfect Baby. We choose the final version out of 103 drafts, and the final version were revised more than 30 times. We try to find the best of the best, and make the best better! More interactive effects, more customized displays and more user friendly.

Something Special
We offer you customized theme categories according to your own preferences. Now you can browse themes according to colors and categories. Do we know you well? If not, comment here.